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Our Programs

Farm-To-Table-Nutritional-Education Program

Collaborate with local farmers to establish direct distribution channels to get fresh, locally-sourced food to food-insecure populations with limited access to fresh and healthy foods. The program would further educate recipients about nutrition, meal planning, and cooking skills, training, helping them to make the most of the food they receive.

Creative Cooking
& Beyond

This program is designed to teach individuals how to create and prepare nutritious tasty meals by beginning with a culinary journey into the bliss of flavors.

Fathers Appreciation Program

Our focus is to create a time of support and appreciation for all men for their hard work, dedication and commitment to their families and communities

Food distribution Program

This program is a vital community initiative aimed at addressing food insecurity and providing essential assistance to individuals and families in need

Safe Sleep
Education Program

Which is designed to educate parents on how to avoid SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).

Children’s Day Program

A time set aside to shower the children with love and attention. It is a time for fun, food, fellowship, learning, and play.

Children & Youth Nutritional Meals Program

This program is designed to provide nutritional meals to children in our community “AT NO COST”.

Back to School Program

This program is designed to provide our children with the necessary clothes and shoes materials, school supplies, and food items for the new school year.

Mother’s Appreciation Program

Our goal is to edify, encourage, and strengthen women for their tireless efforts in helping others. Mother’s Day Celebration Events honoring women for their endless love and care for their families, their contributions to society, and their faithful and nurturing ability as a woman. A time to receive love and support.

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LMOI Team 



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Face Book: Love Ministries Outreach International

This Organization is an equal opportunity provider.

© 2023 by Love Ministries Outreach International. 

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The Team 



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 INSTAGRAM @loveoutreach2


© 2023 by Love Ministries Outreach International. 

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